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Add an Image with Hyperlink to Sidebar Widget in WordPress 3.0.1 or any version of WordPress

December 1st, 2012 by admin Add an Image or “Clickable Image” to Sidebar Widget in WordPress 3.0.1 This technique should work with all versions of WordPress. If you don’t want a “clickable” image with a hyperlink to another page or website, just delete the opening and and closing “anchor” HTML tags. You will still have the image in the sidebar widget, however, when you click on the image, it won’t take you to any website or do anything at all. I use the WordPress Thesis Theme 1.8 in this video, however, you can use ANY theme for this technique. Hope this helps you. by Jupiter Jim at

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Posted in Wordpress Tutorial Videos

14 Responses

  1. Rosanne Moore

    Thank you so much for this? tutorial. It was so easy! You eased my frustrations trying to build my word press site.

  2. JupiterJimLanders

    I could not figure this out when I first started either and I found it so frustrating that there was not a simple tutorial on how to do it. ? Don’t forget to sign up for my blog: jupiterjimsmarketingteam com

  3. Faris Mubarek

    Hey Buddy, Great tip thank you. I was kicking my head? for number of hours.

  4. JupiterJimLanders

    Wow! So glad I? could help!!!!!

  5. JupiterJimLanders


    Don’t? forget to sign up for my blog at JupiterJimsMarketingTeam com so you will receive all my videos in your email inbox!

  6. JupiterJimLanders

    Don’t forget to sign up for my blog at JupiterJimsMarketingTeam ? com so you will receive all my videos in your email inbox!

    Thanks for the compliment!

  7. JupiterJimLanders

    Thanks,? Jake!

  8. Jaketubarei

    delightful, with detail and? very simple!!! thanks, nice video

  9. duchesslondon

    Just what I was looking to do. This? was really clear and easy to follow. Thank you!

  10. Susan Sheehan

    Hey,? so simple to follow… thank you. I will be back 🙂

  11. LouAnn Trischler

    That was GREAT! Thanks? for being so detailed! I will look for more tuts by you.

  12. MyMagicalTravels

    Wow! I have been ripping my hair out all day trying to figure out how to add images to my widgets. This tutorial was so fantastic! Straight to the chase with a little bit of explanation about HTML but not too much to make you want to stab yourself! I was cheering out loud? when this worked and I clicked on the logo and it took me where I wanted to go! Amazing! Keep up the good work!

  13. JupiterJimLanders

    Thanks so much for the positive comments. I really appreciate the time it took you to write to me! As for the pic being too wide, I am not sure I fully understand your statement. However, there is usually inside the “<img " tag (image tag) a width=420 and a height=310 . I made up those numbers but you need to? check on the number of the "width" value. Maybe that was the problem. Please don't forget to sign up for my blog, ok? JupiterJimsMarketingTeam

  14. MusicTrackMeet

    Your directions are so concise and easy to follow. You didn’t assume that I know anything (I don’t). You made it look like it should be easy to create an “idiot-friendly” video, but it? must not be… most of them lose me at step two.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

    P.S. I don’t know if you address this in other videos, but I had created my image too wide. I edited but got the same results until I re-pasted the link to my image into my text window (even though it looked to be the same).

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