WordPress Tutorial – cPanel Basics- WordPressTutorials.TV
Visit WordPressTutorials.TV for more WordPress Tutorials and cPanel Tutorials. The majority Web Hosting Companies offer cPanel on their servers because it not only makes website management easier for the webmaster ( you ). Wow that sounds grand ! When they have a cpanel it greatly reduces the need for their direct technical support to the webmaster. Thus saving them time and money, so there should be no difficulty in finding a web hosting company with a cpanel. The cPanel simplifies many aspects of working with a website even if you have no knowledge of website coding, html, or programming. All your administrative tasks can be performed in one place, through your cpanel. Here are just a few of the tasks you can do through your cpanel Use Different Site Builders Multiple Email Accounts Set up Autoresponder and Forwarder Build Mailing Lists Create Blogs with WordPress Create Support Tickets Add Other Domains File Manager Check Statistics and the list goes on……. Some of the essential things to look for, apart from the above features are, bandwith, disk space, and the number of domains that can be included in your hosting account, which can be important, if you are thinking of having more than one website. You will only need a basic hosting account to publish your website, but a dedicated server may be needed later, when your site begins attracting large volumes of traffic. All website administration can be accessed from one central panel, which is password protected …
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