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Create a Photography Website & Make Money!!

September 25th, 2013 by admin Learn how to create & market your photography website / business. Step By Step Learn how to make a wordpress photography website t…

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Posted in Wordpress Tutorial Videos

24 Responses

  1. Tyler Moore


  2. Lance Wong

    I was having the same problem. I just found it! Go to “Appearance”? –> “Theme Options”–> “General Settings”. You then see “Global Background Preferences”.

  3. Kevin Accy D'Cruze

    Hi Tyler.
    I just watched your vudeo on how to make a website with WordPress and its very good. I am going to make a website with your help and would like to know how to attach videos to my website and also, the client zone, how do I upload material there so my client can download? it or hear it so to approve. I would like to know if I can get all of these things onto one site.


  4. Sebastian Velasquez

    Great Video Tyler!
    I finished mine recently and it looks? great.
    w w w. sebastianspics .c o m
    If you would like to check it out!

  5. Tyler Moore

    Awesome!? Thanks, Michelle!

  6. Andre Schwab

    Great tutorial. Purchased the theme.? One problem. The images on the home page slider appear with small sqaures on each image. Though the originl image do not have the squares. Any ideas!!

  7. JaredR3535

    Thanks, everything is dead on, except so much has changed in a year that trying to follow this step by step is now outdated. Wish you could make the same exact video tutorial with the updated versions of wordpress and the? kingsize theme. ie, kingssize wp is not a choice under settings in order to upload a background photo. i’m stuck at the 35min marker. Thanks

  8. Michelle Marroquin

    What a great video!! Thank you. I’ve been pausing and playing it for 3 days. Just finished my website!! THANK YOU! HMSchooling; newborn; house; kids games; etc….? I MADE A WEBSITE WITH YOUR HELP IN 3 DAYS!! Wow!!! Awesome!!

  9. Tyler Moore

    Thanks, Lincoln!? .org

  10. Tyler Moore

    Thanks Alex 🙂 I hope so…?

  11. lincoln vo

    I’m sure you prob get this a lot but do you use WordPress.”com” or “.org” thanks in advance Tyler. Awesome videos btw keep? up the awesome work ALOHA

  12. alexananou1

    I have never commented on a youtube? video, or any site really. But here I must say, thank you. After a mind-wrecking, endless battle with Dreamweaver and Fireworks….trying to find tutorials and so on…. I watched you video and now have something up and running in no time. And I can (to a good degree) customize it the way I want. Thumbs up, I am sure many people appreciate what you are doing.

  13. Tyler Moore

    Thank you, Nathan?

  14. Tyler Moore

    thanks so? much, Dan! 🙂

  15. Nathan Burgan

    Very well done and to the point lot? of information of great value

  16. Jo J

    Great video. Having problem with creating the password protected page as the password is not being recognized. I do get an error message (error: Invalid Password). I do not see the code “wp-pass.php” in the Theme Function page and I am wondering if it is because I have? an update version WP 3.6.1., and this coding is either gone or found somewhere else. I hope you have the time to give me guidance.

  17. Dan Paano

    This is by far the MOST comprehensive video I’ve found so far about creating a website using wordpress for photographers. I really appreciate the step-by-step process showing us just how easy it is to get the website up. Having? a store with paypal payment included was just the added bonus that I was looking for. I’m now a subscriber to your channel and look forward to watching more of these types of videos.

  18. Skaipenas

    Thank you Tyler very good tutorial.But I have a question? about embedding video.Maybe I missed something?

  19. Mohammed Abuabdou

    Thank you so much Tyler for the excellent easy to understand tutorial. But I have a question about something doesn’t work with me,? I can’t find the background slider on kingsize theme as I want to add images on the homepage as you did in the tutorial.

    PS. I can’t find KingSize WP on the Dashboard Menu

    I’d appreciate your help so much!

  20. Alex Kwentua

    Thanks for this video, I followed your steps and purchased kingsize 4.1.2 please I will appreciate if you can work me through the? process to set up my website, am stock.

  21. Tyler Moore

    Awesome!? Thanks!

  22. Estaban8ify

    this is probably my 3rd or 4th website creating video I’ve watched from you and they are all fabulous! I’m? a finance guy making websites for people now!

  23. Norris Dawkins

    Still watching tutorial,this will help me allot seeing i am new to WordPress.
    Also i have just gotten my site do not like it very much,i will modify it with the help of? this well, i might just build a photography website as you suggested,reason, i am living in JAMAICA,WHERE I CAN TAKE TONS OF BEAUTIFUL PHOTO SHOT,
    LETS SEE..

    Thank again,JUST GREAT


    I installed King Size on Host Gator and I love it. I want to produce and sell continuing education videos to medical personnel from the site. Can you recommend a login plugin that keeps track of their names and state license numbers? They also need? to take a 10 question test have it graded and if they pass I need to allow them to download a certificate of completion. Can you recommend plugins or software to make this happen? Thanks!

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