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How to install the Subscribe2 plugin for WordPress –

March 3rd, 2013 by admin – This video is about installing and basic setup for the Subscribe2 plugin for WordPress. This plugin allows to keep your subscribers up to date with your need posts. Simply put, it keeps your users (or customers) posted. As simple as that. And if you really LOVED my video 🙂 … Subscribe to our channel: Join us on Twitter: Join us on Facebook as well:

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Posted in Wordpress Tutorial Videos

10 Responses

  1. Kenneth von Rauch

    Hey Scott.

    Unfortunately, I’m not sure how to do that either, but since you have? a paid version of the plugin you have all the rights to contact the developer for assistance. I’m sure he knows how to do that. 😉

  2. Scott Sanders

    Thanks for the video.

    I have subscribe2 with the paid version that allows me to send an HTML email rather than just plain text. I was wondering if you knew how to load HTML into the plugin. I see where I can select to send the email as HTML and I see the Templates and Appearance settings but i am not sure how to actually make the? email HTML.


  3. icucreations

    I use? subsribe2 for my wordpress blog and I just found out that NOBODY that has subscribed to my blog since April gets my new post emails. I’ve sent bulk emails using your templates and they don’t get sent either. Could you please help me with this?

  4. topseda

    Where? is the email subscription form?

  5. Kate Bourland

    I want to use the Subscribe2 plugin to let anyone subscribe to my blog. I don’t want people to have to? set up profiles. How do you accomplish this with this plugin?

  6. palungtod

    Webdesy, great upload. Could you please tell me what does that mean to restrict the number of recipients per email to? you have set it here 0.?

  7. dansalcelo

    It is more a set of instructions on how to set up the plugin but I? does not show the installation. I was hoping to find how to create a page so this plugin can? work for example.

  8. fotostefanro

    maybe Subscribe2 Widget is a different stuff?

  9. Kenneth von Rauch

    Thanks for your? comment. That’s pretty much what this video is about. There’s no widget for it (nothing to set up in the visible part of the plugin). Please elaborate on what you mean, and I’ll do my best to assist you.

  10. Bapholo

    Thanks for this tutorial. If you get a chance, a? video on the subscribe2 widget would be great.

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