WordPress tutorial: Targeting different screen sizes | lynda.com
Watch more at www.lynda.com This WordPress tutorial highlights two questions to ask when designing a WordPress site: What screen sizes am I targeting? and What should the site look like on those screens? This tutorial is just a single movie from the third chapter of the WordPress: Building Responsive Themes course presented by lynda.com author Morten Rand-Hendriksen. The complete course is 3 hours long, and demonstrates design strategies, best practices, and actual code examples for creating a responsive web site with a flexible layout, efficient navigation, responsive video embedding, and content sliders. WordPress: Building Responsive Themes table of contents: Introduction 1. Why Mobile Matters 2. Starting with a Solid Theme 3. Design First Then Develop 4. Using Media Queries 5. Creating a Responsive Header 6. Creating a Responsive Menu 7. Creating a Responsive Main Area 8. Creating a Responsive Sidebar 9. Creating a Responsive Footer 10. Adding a Responsive Featured Content Slider 11. Making a Responsive Index Page That Dynamically Reorganizes with Masonry Conclusion
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