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Installing the Nivo Slider in WordPress

January 4th, 2013 by admin

This is a Tutorial on how to install the Nivo picture slider into a WordPress blog. I didn’t write it, I just teach classes in WordPress and I have many questions about it, So, I created this video to show people instead of explaining over and over.

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Posted in Wordpress Tutorial Videos

23 Responses

  1. Kurt Margolis

    Developing usable wordpress websites is not an easy task especially for newbies unless you are an expert in html And that’s why I created a must-watch training on wordpress, which? will enable you to transform your wordpress website into a marketing machine. watch this new video: ==> /watch?v=aiXkvQacLxU <–

  2. wordpresstutorials1

    Helpfull video tutorial on WordPress, thanks for the hard work and the good channel.?

  3. jtararo

    Your audio volume is a? bit wonky

  4. ePremiumThemes

    I don’t think you can. I put them on different?? pages. Sorry.?. ePremiumThemes[.]Blogspot[.]com

  5. UWEandrew

    It all works now… Okay I’ve got it working using the easy nivo slider plugin, but I’m not sure how this works.
    Does the easy nivo slider plugin only work with the plugin in this video? Does easy nivo slider require me to still make all?? the steps in this video, like creating posts with featured images?
    Thanks for your help so far.

  6. Don Bremer

    Upgrade everything (jquery,? WP, etc.) and try again

  7. UWEandrew

    I’ve got it displaying now by using wp_nivo_slider()? function, but I keep getting undefined jQuery error.

  8. UWEandrew


  9. Don Bremer

    did you put the? shortcode in a page? [nivo]? Also, download the plugin – Easy Nivo slider. It has more enhancements to it,?

  10. UWEandrew

    How do you add the? slideshow in without touching the code?

  11. PugsForties

    Hey? how does it work if I wanna add a slideshow to a Page and not a Post! Thanks 🙂

  12. Don Bremer

    did you put the shortcode in a page?? [nivo]? Also, download the plugin – Easy Nivo slider. It has more enhancements to it,

  13. ventunoeduemesi

    The plugin is showing up, is activated and I put it in a page (the same? that you used).
    Do you mean the tab in Information? If yes, there is.

  14. Don Bremer

    Not enough information. Is the? plugin showing up on the plugins list, is it activated, do you see the tab that you can change information, did you put it in a page, etc.?

  15. ventunoeduemesi

    Can’t get it working on my theme. It’s FLER WP Theme 1.2 by DDStudios & Lukk. Could you? help me, please? I did everything that you did.

  16. Don Bremer

    They don’t have a real plugin section? on wp dot com. Or, you are logging on to another website as a role with less than administrative permissions.

  17. haruchrome

    i don’t have? plugin section..please help me!

  18. Don Bremer

    Again – not enough information. Banner on what size screen? 1024×768, 1200×800, etc?. ? There are themes for that (I use Atathlupa). As for placement on the page, I use firebug to see what part of the CSS controls what you are looking at. Look up and download Firebug or use Chrome to inspect the element. Then, add or change the code in the CSS to fit your needs.

  19. Gerry Whitlow

    I managed to get it on my page as I inserted the code on the home page and not on the main index page in the editor mode.When I went to Nivo? settings it asked me for the specific size of my photos,I want it to be a banner,so what is best size?I managed to get the slider working but it was not centered on my page,it was too much over to the left,how can I center it?If you can tell me the answers to these questions I will try again and give you a link to my site.Thanks for the quick reply.

  20. Don Bremer

    Just looked it up-
    Can I have multiple sliders? on the same page?
    Yes but you will need to use jQuery v1.4 or greater for it to work.
    Check Nivo website…

  21. Don Bremer

    I just saw that you *can* add multiple sliders on one page – just not have both of them running – that’s a limitation of the plugin.? Put them on different pages.

  22. Don Bremer

    Not enough information. What website? Do you see that the plugin was installed? ? Did you add pictures to a category? Did you make the pictures the featured image?

  23. Gerry Whitlow

    I did everything? step by step the same but there is nothing on my homepage,can anyone help?

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