Best WordPress Favicon Plugin | Create Favicon in Gimp
-> Visit WordPress Tutorial Videos for more free training videos on all aspects of using WordPress. Now talk about how to create a favicon in Gimp and use the best WordPress favicon plugin Importance of Favicons Favicons are important because its one of the first things people notice when they land on your website. We all immediately look at the top of our web browser and take note of that nice, pretty icon when we visit websites. This logo image, favorite or “favicon” is your actually your brand. It’s what separates you from other websites. When someone bookmarks your website your favicon is the logo, or image they will constantly see. So, its a good idea to have something that stands out and is relevant to you, or the theme of your website. As you know, you can get as fancy as you want when it comes to favicons, so why not. Best WordPress Favicon Plugin If you are using WordPress its really easy to add a favicon to your site. I prefer the all in one favicon plugin because it makes installing any image a snap. You can create your own favicon using Gimp, as I show you in the video, or you can download one of the many thousands of free favicons available online. The jury is still out as to whether or not having a favicon on your website helps you in terms of SEO, but after doing some research on this topic I’m one who believes it can’t hurt. The obvious is that it will help you; at least in terms of the people who visit and bookmark your website.
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