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WordPress Overview – What is WordPress

October 23rd, 2012 by admin

Basic WordPress Tutorial that gives an overview of WordPress, the community and its potential, and describes a little about how to turn WordPress into a website.

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Posted in Wordpress Tutorial Videos

25 Responses

  1. Max Grieffie

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  2. unn ati

    thanks for? the video

  3. alexmcginness

    Ive found that using WP to try and make a website is like using dancing to describe architecture, or using pointers?? graphs and pictures to convey philosophical concepts. It is that clear and logical, or better still telling someone thats born color blind to keep practicing on the colors they cant differentiate, theyll eventually “get it” it just takes time. The illogic of WPs dashboard to get a web page from it are two processes so foreign to each other it would drive a Vulcan mad.

  4. tamidmazhik

    I recommend you to purchase a webhost from hostgator, they have “auto-website” creator feature, it creates you a wordpress website automatically! and its very? cheap web-host and no downtimes!

  5. WordPressTutorialNow

    Wow I can’t believe? how far wordpress has come since this was made

  6. rickysmith2007

    this is great!? well spoken, concise and? excellent. thanks!

  7. Lorenzo Fontana

    Pay attention to WordPress plugins, if you are using one? of these you are vulnerable to hackers attacks..

  8. CustomizeWordpress

    Never ceases to amaze? me how these basic tutorials are so helpful.

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  12. Jay Davis

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  13. HowToUseWordPress

    Really enjoyed your video. I? love using WordPress and this video is a great introduction to the platform. Thanks

  14. graczmisiek

    The best way to? change font of blog title! -> watch?v=_AXqXUqu1JU

  15. Marksmal

    Thank you very much for the explanation it helped me figure out exactly what WordPress is and how it can be used.? Your videos extremely helpful and I thank you sincerely

  16. Harrysound

    i never knew about .org
    Opened a can of worms and possible? saved me alot of poking around and work THANKS

  17. balling049

    I don’t have the plugins on dashboard sidebar ?wordpress….? how do I get the manage plugin on my dashboard.

  18. coolshariq

    Awesome? overview thanks 🙂 thats what I was looking for

  19. mbt777

    Well, Mr. Trendy…he’s not selling his? voice…he’s instructing…get a life.

  20. MachineDaena – Noobs review of? wordpress.

  21. rahulxxx2000

    Thanks Man You Had Given Something That? Have Newer Been Discovered By Me Thanks !!

  22. canuckkcunac

    nice little tutorial, well spoken?

  23. imangekyo

    is it possible for? me to make a website by my self without a designer. i am 14


    hey, I need a website made, how much do u? charge for one exactly :/

  25. DesignTrendy

    Your voice is? boring.

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