WordPress 3: Introducing parent and child themes | lynda.com
This WordPress overview introduces parent and child themes, and demonstrates live examples. Watch more at www.lynda.com This specific tutorial is just a single movie from chapter one of the WordPress 3: Building Child Themes course presented by lynda.com author Morten Rand-Hendriksen. The complete WordPress 3: Building Child Themes course has a total duration of 3 hours and 17 minutes, and covers importing parent themes, adding custom menus, restyling the header image, customizing the sidebar and index pages, implementing the Post Thumbnail feature, and incorporating JavaScript. WordPress 3: Building Child Themes table of contents: Introduction 1. Creating a Child Theme from Scratch 2. Theme-Building and Restyling Workflow 3. Customizing the Header 4. Adding New Custom Menus 5. Customizing the Sidebar 6. Customizing the Footer 7.Working with the Featured Image (Post Thumbnail) Function 8. Customizing the Index Pages 9. Adding the Finishing Touches 10. Troubleshooting Conclusion
Written by - Visit WebsitePosted in Wordpress Tutorial Videos
October 9th, 2012 at 7:26 am
that’s a brilliant explanation about? child themes! thanks for that
October 9th, 2012 at 7:26 am
Enjoyed the? video.