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Free WordPress Tutorials and Themes.

Tutorial: How Create a WordPress Theme from Scratch (Basic Intro)

October 2nd, 2012 by admin

Uses this PDF document as reference: Uses this HTML page/package as a starting point: How to take a regular HTML page and turn it into a very simple WordPress Theme Package that you can use on any wordpress site. Uses Dreamweaver.

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Posted in Wordpress Tutorial Videos

24 Responses

  1. Bradley Wright

    Thank you so much i? have searched so long for this video its excellent!!!!

  2. VideoSeo100

    I have created? a lot of mobile websites for my clients. It’s a trivial task though because I use a free wordpress plugin, which has really saved me a lot of hours and money. i demonstrate this awesome plugin on the? latest video on my channel. just go here: ===> /watch?v=e16YNeiomr4 <=== or click on my username to watch it

  3. markob1983

    Thank you!!!?

  4. chooomedia

    very nice! thx a lot for? your engangement! (pdf and also :>)

    Nice one Men :>

  5. Amith ingalagi

    Dude you rock man .. you the best ..
    i just needed that pdf file to be? downloaded or sent to me 🙂
    please bro send me @

  6. ImTryingHarderok

    You sound like Tom Cruise! (sometimes)? 😀

  7. alatefi3

    your tutorial is? shit

  8. Gerard Howard

    This is a great video man. ? Thanks

  9. KrunsTheDoctor

    Great tutorial, helped? a lot.

  10. Petri Tuominen

    Thanks? a lot!

  11. George Pres

    Excellent upload. Subscribed!?

  12. StupidityByDesign

    Time to? hit dat subscription button

  13. StupidityByDesign

    Due i would really encourage you to MAKE MORE VIDS like this. Its much better than any other video i have seen so far and you actualy? provide some handouts to look at. Please make more because its simply better than every1 else

  14. MrAdeelShehzad

    I love this? lesson. Thanks

  15. crazybigyo

    1 question,? FTP Adress.. What is that? is that my site name like facebook. com? or is that the details I use to log into my cpanel? Also, would the link be facebook. com/cpanel? :\

  16. henrik eriksson

    Hi! Please do a follow up on this? tutorial please! WordPress is really cool, and effective!
    Thanks for a great tutorial, but want more 🙂

  17. ameralvi


  18. Hardus de Bruyn

    thank? you. really good and effective explanation.

  19. sangmort


  20. kimbee100

    Really fantastic tutorial. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a? lot. 🙂

  21. macebooks10

    great? tut

  22. Kevin Callens

    dreamweaver? O.o wtf

  23. jessimecool


  24. Md. Ariful Islam


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