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Displaying posts to a specific page in WordPress

October 8th, 2012 by admin

This video shows you the correct way to make your posts show up on certain pages in wordpress. ***Please note: Your theme MUST support custom menus***

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Posted in Wordpress Tutorial Videos

25 Responses

  1. tony vainosky

    Russell could you? please email me at info @ TonyVainosky (dot) com

  2. Russell C.

    I like the concept of displaying my categories instead of the pages. However,? once you click on each category, there’s a text :category archives” showing and I want to delete that. Can you help me in doing so. I don’t have my own domain yet, would that be a problem?

  3. tony vainosky

    Absolutely. When you create the post, check the category you would like it to show up in and make sure “make this post sticky”? is unchecked. Please e-mail me and I’ll be glad to show you info@tonyvainosky(dot)com

  4. tony vainosky

    What was the point of this comment?? You’re the only asshole here.

  5. TheGloryfighter1000

    Get to? the fuckin point asshole

  6. duri970

    The problem is i want? to show a post only to a specific categories….”only on the category not both hompage and categorie” is this possible????

  7. tony vainosky

    @LordLouis I didn’t mention? that your theme has to support custom menus because from what I’ve seen, that’s pretty common. So I didn’t think to mention it. As for #2, I’m not sure what you’re getting at. I didn’t create my own menu, I simply deleted the pages from the default menu & added my categories

  8. tony vainosky

    lol ok so I take it that was just an error on your part & you figured it out? :)?

  9. duri970

    i couldnt creat categories..!!? 🙂

  10. LordIouis

    There is a crucial piece of information you skip in this video, which causes people to say “lol doesn’t work”. You have to
    1. Have? a theme that supports custom menus (e.g. Theme 2011) AND
    2. On 1:42 clearly visible on the top left it says you are using your OWN created menu.
    What people do is, create a new menu, add categories to it but do not switch from the default menu (which displays pages) to their custom one, which displays categories and works as you show.

    Please upvote so ppl know!

  11. tony vainosky

    @duri970 Glad to hear that 🙂 what was the problem anyway? Just curious in? case someone else has the same issue

  12. duri970

    i solved? it..thnx anyway :))

  13. tony vainosky

    @duri970 can you please e-mail me with the problem you’re having and what you’re trying to accomplish? info@tonyvainosky (dot)? com

  14. duri970

    can u help me plz…

  15. Tylor Magadan

    Yes! very simple! and if i never watched this tutorial? id have alot of different pages!
    can you check out my page and tell me what you think?

  16. tony vainosky

    you’re very welcome!? Did it work easily for you as I showed it in the tutorial?

  17. Tylor Magadan

    thanks? for saving me time

  18. babeneker

    Nevermind! It would appear that I have figured it out. Found a plugin for? this. Thanks so much for your help!

  19. babeneker

    @Tonyv619 Ok, so I’ve installed WordPress on my machine (localhost) and have set up my menu just as you have said (categories instead of pages). I have made a few test posts, and yes, it goes to the pages (great!). My next question is how do you change the theme of those particular? pages? Or is that even possible? Each page its own unique graphic header, so it can’t be just a general theme. Any ideas?

  20. babeneker

    @Tonyv619 Thank you! That’s? what I needed to know. I will try this out and see how it goes.

  21. babeneker

    Ok, what I don’t get is how does the category work with the particular page? Are you naming them the same? Or? when you create a menu, it creates pages with the category names? You know what I mean? I need to know this because I’m creating custom pages. I’m not using a template. I will give this a try. Thanks so much for posting this video!

  22. Ethan Rivas

    Could you please help me out? I did exactly what you did, but it doesn’t work? “/ could you help me out? you make it look so easy.

  23. Wnerd

    What the heck? That doesn’t work! I think you forgot a few details.? If you add a category, all it does is assign a category to your post. It doesn’t copy the post to a page. Also, when I went to “Menus” there was nothing there. It was blank. I created a new menu and added the category, but all it did was tag the category to the post on the front page. It didn’t post to a separate page. You also said that it’s imperative to set up your categories properly but didn’t explain how.

  24. Rebeca Perez

    HAHAHAH IT TOOK ME 2 DAYS TO GET THIS DONE!!! I was pretty close, but without this video i could not have done it =) Thank you my good sir, My problem? was setting up my menu properly. Once again thank you.

  25. starragav

    I must thank you million times. Even I spent hours and? hours to discover this. Tough luck for me. But you made this very easily. Thanks for Sharing this video, Tony.

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