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Tutorial Request #13: 4 Clubs (Basic Fountain Pattern)

June 1st, 2009 by admin

Title says it all. I learned a few new things about my editing program as I made this– cool! In regards to the “to tilt or not to tilt” the club when learning four. It’s my opinion/observation that I don’t CONSCIOUSLY need to try to turn/angle it. It just kinda does it on its own as needed if I concentrate more on the other stuff (like throw height and the inside outside circle moton with my arms). I think the footage right around 6:07 shows this “natural” tendency best. Still, take what I …

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25 Responses

  1. toomasmoore

    Tried this today properly for the first time in months and i could just do it, got about 38 catches.

  2. gebboo

    Thanks taibbi! I reached 124 catches with a nice 4 club fountain! 😉 Thank you for this tutorial.. very well done

  3. magicmike9294

    ya thats my problem to. but also if i am doing 2 in one hand in my left hand, and i start it good. then i usualy start to rotate clockwise towards my right side.

  4. MACCSstudios

    my biggest problem with juggling 4 clubs is releasing the first one in my left hand in the flash. i can do the first one in my right hand just fine and 2 in one hand with both hands

  5. ctjuggles

    Renegades 85mm– at Renegrade juggling. You can find it on Google.

  6. josh91j

    what are those clubs called an where do you get them?

  7. Unisykolist

    Please help, when I try doing a 3 club flash, or 2 clubs in one hand with one club in the other, in a fountain pattern, One or 2 of the clubs always end up doing 1 and a half spins although I’m very good at double spins in a 3 ball cascade or just 2 clubs in one hand, its weird…:S help

  8. ducktapedude713

    yeah the circus goes stright into my face,

  9. djchaniki

    Hiya, your video is great i was just wondering if its possible to do the four ball fountain without double spins so just single spins write back plz thanks x

  10. duverfred

    well wadda you know! im a circus grip, tends to spin into your face when your learning it though, or maybe im just a retard!

  11. danielskapunk

    You can use both, a double or triple, but I would recommend in both cases a triple if you are juggling 4 club fountain. Hope it helps.

  12. lancelotsdr

    No problem, I still cant do back crosses though,
    And trying to get into good Juggling clubs her in Bristol (UK) is proving a task and a half.

  13. ctjuggles

    Thank you very much. That means a lot.

  14. lancelotsdr

    Just a quick comment to say thank you for putting the time and effort into these tutorials, they are a great help and have improved my club skills immensely.

  15. R0mai

    well, I don’t know, practice whatever feels good, in juggling you have the opportunity to do whatever you want.

  16. ChrisBabez

    allright, i use px3 traning clubs..

  17. R0mai

    Hello Chris,
    I started working on 4 clubs about 2 weeks ago (with new px3 deco clubs hehehe:D), and I have a few questions.
    1. What should I use for the transition between “4”, and (4,4), a slow double spin , or a fast triple?
    2. And also the same question, but for the 5 in the 53 pattern.
    thx for your help.

  18. R0mai

    for most people single spins are harder, but it can depend on your club.

  19. ChrisBabez

    WHY, double throws? i use 1 spin..

  20. ctjuggles

    Sure! Glad it helps. Post a vid of your progress. I’d love to see it!

  21. danmeakin

    this is a great tutorial; im on my way to four clubs. thanks alot

  22. ctjuggles

    Thanks. I really appreciate it.

  23. FiaccoBros

    Your tutorials are awesome.

  24. yamahaducks

    i always practice outside with clubs. theres no ceiling or walls, and you dont have to worry about denting the floors. plus i sometimes use these wooden clubs that wouldnt be nice to the floor. the only problem is the wind but thats not too bad

  25. Femanadle

    Your juggling tutorial are best

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