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Burning PS2 Game with Nero

June 2nd, 2009 by admin

MDS file and a .ISO file. Sometimes you get a .MDS file, sometimes you don’t. If you want to use .MDS file, DVD Decrypter uses it to read the .ISO file, but it is not necessary. 4/20/08: To make this totally clear, this video shows you how to burn the game. To make the burnt game work on the PS2, you either need a modchip (which you solder internal to the PS2), or you get a boot disc called Swap Magic. Learn about swap magic at 8/26/08 Winrar tutorial: versatile1.wordpress. …

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25 Responses

  1. VersatileNinja

    Yes, logically the 4kb .mds file should not throw you off. We are concerned about the large ISO file instead.

  2. StrikeInferno

    Actually… any ps2 games from M’sia are fake so you can say that they are pirated dvds. Thus, all of the ps2 from M’sia (except the ones sold in official SONY shops) should be modded by now since ALL the ps2 games are, well… not original ones and that’s why they can sell so cheap.

    Let’s say all currencies are equivalent , RM4 = 4USD(or any other currencies) for just 1 game.

  3. StrikeInferno

    Now that’s funny, seeing as you, the uploader, thanking me the leecher? XD though I can see why you would do so after reading some of the comments given thus far.

    Anyways, do keep up the great work. I really appreciate it. Was happily burning iso til my friend asked me to burn a game with .iso and .mds files which I had guessed that the .mds file should not be that important since it is only 4kb. Took me a while to find some guidelines on this til I found yours which gave me a clearcut answer

  4. VersatileNinja

    No thank you! I need the support. It shows the videos was well worth the effort in creating them.

  5. VersatileNinja

    Swap magic is the preferred method. 30 dollars at estarland. Google it.

  6. StrikeInferno

    I’m not sure whether I’m allowed to double post or not, so I’m sorry for double-posting, as I’ve realized that I’ve forgotten to thank VersatileNinja for the great video. It helped clarified the doubt I had in mind regarding the .mds file which was bugging me.

    Thanks a lot and I find your guide simple and straight to the point.

  7. StrikeInferno

    As it has been said by VersatileNinja, you need to have either a modchip or a swap magic to get it to run.

    Modchip? Go find some kind of shops that has capable people to do it for you for a price.

    Swap magic? I’m not very sure but I heard it’s cheaper than modchip and safer. Try googling swap magic.

  8. blackredcheaco

    ok, i have a “fat” PS2 tats not modded. What do i need to do to get it to play a burnt disc???

  9. TheHornswoggle

    i have nero and my game doesn’t go to a cd-rom because its too big. and i want to burn it into a dvd-rom because it has the right size! so can i do that?

  10. Rtm182

    Dell XPS

  11. VersatileNinja

    1) Do you have quality DVD blank media?
    2) Do you have modchip, swap magic, or exploited memory card?


    not working
    i burn the iso and mds file

  13. VersatileNinja

    Hold up. DVD-ROM = not a dvd burner.

    You need a DVD burner to burn the ISO.

  14. TheHornswoggle

    okay thank you! but i have one question left!
    can I burn that game in a dvd-rom? 4.70 GB has that dvd-rom. and can i play the game at the ps2 with a dvd-rom?

  15. VersatileNinja

    How do I answer this? It can be free if you go the devious route.

    If you want good freeware, use dvd decrypter or imgburn.

  16. VersatileNinja

    Yes, or swap magic or exploited memory card. Your choice.

  17. kristoffernyf

    can you get nero for free?

  18. str8soulja305

    Can someone name a LAPTOP with these components or better

    Windows XP SP2 or SP3
    Intel Core 2 Duo 4.0Ghz
    4GB of System Memory.
    512MB of Graphics Memory.

  19. TyrannoRex

    Nevermind LOL You do. Good tutorial BTW

  20. TyrannoRex

    Do you need a modded PS2 to do this?

  21. VersatileNinja

    No, don’t bother with the PS3, it won’t play your backed up games.

    It is a waste of time.

  22. linkian209

    I am torrenting KH Final Mix and its a Japanese game. Now can i burn it and put it in my unmoded backwards compatible PS3 and run it?

  23. VersatileNinja

    No of course not. Use whatever program you want to use to burn!

  24. TheGoldBernard

    3:37 too!

  25. TheGoldBernard

    3:10 is funny: ham?

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