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How WordPress Has Changed My Life

May 18th, 2009 by admin

Glenda Watson Hyatt, aka the Left Thumb Blogger, shares how blogging with WordPress has enabled her to be heard by the world and increased her circle of friends.

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Posted in Wordpress Tutorial Videos

25 Responses

  1. TobixxTutorials

    God Bless you 😉

  2. chewbaca1989

    Cool lfb!

  3. ladyshols

    I too came to view this video purely due to the Youtube recommendation. I never thought about making videos accessible. Please let me know how you get the text on screen in time with what is shown on the screen/video.

  4. 117Peacemaker117

    yes very inspirational

  5. 2blue4u69

    Wonderful video! God Bless You!!!

  6. Therapist1972

    I came across this by accident but watching it made me proud and felt very therapeutic. thank you for posting this. you are an inspiration to all!

  7. javalava33

    I am so happy to bump into your video, Glenda. Thank you immensely.

  8. ishouldhaveknowu

    You are nothing but the greatest person. It’s very inspirational. I’m very emotional to see you in the video but you can do it. Yes We Can.

  9. kiwigaltube

    HI Glenda, There are many feel the same way as you and the internet has given them freedom just like you, I think this is great! Technology is doing some great things Lisa lml.edbd

  10. deltadreams

    Hi Glenda. Thank you for sharing this with us! WordPress is amazing isn’t it?

  11. SaharaWanderer1

    I like your page. Seems like you could go as far as you want with it.

    Quite a plug for wordpress!

  12. fytubevw

    I didn’t for one know that WordPress suits particularly well into this kind of use. It’s great to hear the software is doing well. I like it personally very much, for the extensibility and open source nature.

  13. mildstein

    Great! Keep it on!

  14. mattb4rd


  15. svtuition

    Very Good work !

  16. moneycoachcanada

    So inspiring!

  17. kasthedumbass

    Very Inspirational video, I love WordPress as I’m a Web Designer and blogger, but this video has given it a deeper meaning.

  18. GiorgioMarandola


  19. normspace

    This was a great video. I was moved! I featured the video on my channel.

  20. KaraBSwims

    Awesome video Glenda! I bet this took some work and I’m glad to hear/see your story in another format.

  21. Dragonflyby73

    Wow Glenda! Though I still look forward to hearing your real voice I am so happy that you have found such a wonderful way to be heard. Keep leaving that thumbprint on people’s hearts.

  22. xlfutur1

    give the lady a freeking break, its not like she will make an affiliate commission on wordpress. who cares how many times it was mentioned. If you were smart, you would listen real close and learn wordpress, then build sites with it. There is a lot of money to be made with it.

  23. madhoundnet

    Then how the hell is she ment to tell people about wordpress if she dasnt say “wordpress” she says “blog software”

  24. h2h2h2h2

    Hmm.. gee. Mabey it’s because every third word in her video was “WordPress”.

  25. h2h2h2h2

    And you are a fucking prick. She doesn’t have to mension “WordPress” 100 times throughout her video. That’s why it sounds more like a promotional video for WP dumbass. She could of just said “Blog Software”.

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