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How to Rip and Burn PS2 Game Backup Using DVD Decrypter

May 25th, 2009 by admin

This quick tutorial shows you how to rip a PS2 game to .ISO format, and then write it to a blank DVD+R or DVD-R using the same program. Blog: Remember, you need a modchip or swap magic to make this work! There is no free method. Tutorial in writing … DVD Decrypter Rip Burn Copy PS2 Playstation Modding

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25 Responses

  1. MastahChief101

    thanks, though can u show us 1 of the games u burned?

  2. potaravegeta

    u might have a fucked up pc!!!!

  3. VersatileNinja

    Use CD-R instead.

  4. TakingOutLevas

    i want to burn capcom vs snk2 is about 270 mb wich dvd should i use

  5. VersatileNinja

    From a consumer standpoint, very very little. If you really care, go to wikipedia and look it up.

    I hear that dvd-r is better for data for PS2, but I use dvd+r all the time flawlessly.

  6. chris888j

    nice quick and easy

  7. TakingOutLevas

    whats the diffrence btw dvd-r and dvd+r

  8. VersatileNinja

    No, use dvd+r or dvd-r only.

  9. xtiandale

    does it work with DVD-RW disk

  10. juplm4000

    actually that did happen once

  11. VersatileNinja

    Correct, or swap magic.

  12. lordvader0215

    do you need a modified ps2?

  13. VersatileNinja

    Let’s take a look at this bit further. How can a program directly destroy a digital media file? The program will tell your DVD drive to read the digital bits off the DVD, and then copy the same bits to your hard drive.

    Unless you have a faulty drive that somehow during the copy process somehow destroyed your disc, this is the only thing I can think of.

    How often have you heard of a program destroying your music cds in your cd player for example?

  14. juplm4000

    It wasnt the ps2 it was ur fuckin program, if u give me ur adress ill send u the disk

  15. VersatileNinja

    How does the fat ps2 break a ps2 game?

  16. juplm4000

    no, is not slim ps2

  17. VersatileNinja

    See my dvd media guide video first. You want 1st class media.

  18. stvnivan

    any bland dvd will do fine to play it in ps2 right? and my ps2 is modify so it can play pirated dvds..:)

  19. VersatileNinja

    You did not give enough information. Why is the game “broken”?

    If you are using slim PS2, and your sensor is not down all the way, then it will make scratches on your game. This is user error, I can’t help you with that.

  20. juplm4000

    the game no longer works i want 1:36 min of my life back + £42

  21. VersatileNinja

    How can a program break your PS2 game? This is a fail comment.

  22. juplm4000

    it brock my ps2 game

  23. 0Tokyo0Rainy0Dayze0

    Thank…you… SO MUCH!!!!
    I just wanted to make iso copies and play them on the emulator, but this sure did the trick, and in just a few seconds!!
    For free too XD^^

  24. VersatileNinja

    dvd drives for laptops are very slow!

    Dvd drives in desktops are much faster. Maybe you just have a slow dvd drive?

  25. xCo0LSlaYerx

    why did my dbd decrypter rip vry slow?? can you tell me the solution?

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