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Club Penguin Mission 4 Tutorial

May 24th, 2009 by admin

Club Penguin: How to beat Mission 4

Written by - Visit Website

Posted in Wordpress Tutorial Videos

25 Responses

  1. petegardnervideo

    actuly how do u become an agent?

  2. petegardnervideo

    how did u find gary?

  3. theclubpenguinaddic1

    thank u

  4. andrew5629

    I used your way of the mountain and it worked!

  5. clubpenguin129

    is it sharped dressed man?
    i think thats the title

  6. clubpenguin129

    wats the name of this song?

  7. nintendoman456

    You got the same route as me.
    BUt thnks for the toturial.

  8. Biglele208

    By the way, why were you rushing?

  9. Biglele208

    and its different

  10. Biglele208

    This is a great vid

  11. Biglele208

    He spelled it like it sounded in-vin-tory

  12. Biglele208

    I thought it was spelled right. But the wrong ‘poll’.

  13. Biglele208

    How did you record this?

  14. mike92cp

    I was rushing when I made the video, if you don’t like it then watch a differnt tutorial.

  15. mike92cp

    I was rushing when I made the video, if you don’t like it then watch a differnt tutorial.

  16. summahlove

    and spell pole right too

  17. summahlove

    please please PLEASE spell inventory right!
    its right there on the screen!
    by the way, thanks for the video.

  18. agentben10


  19. Biglele208

    Make a music video of this song!

  20. Biglele208

    This does NOT suck!!!!!!

  21. Biglele208

    The song and video was great!

  22. webkinzfrenzy1001

    Thanks so much, mike92!!!! u r great! i’m on level 4, and thanks so much for helping me out!!!!!

  23. Biglele208

    Th new mission. Yeah! Plz use this song!

  24. greenday4life9

    tthank you so much.please post one for the new misson coming out also!!on i think june 30th.:)

  25. basketballdude00

    then y the FUCK did u watch it?! btw nice vid

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