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Create An E-Commerce WordPress Website In 3 Hours! (Woothemes Wootique) 2013

May 29th, 2013 by admin

Want to create an e-commerce website to sell your products and services online? In this video learn how to create a modern & minimalist E-Commerce website fo…

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Posted in Wordpress Tutorial Videos

24 Responses

  1. 77webstudio

    you’re so welcome?

  2. 77webstudio

    hi there,? can you paste the exact error message you see? something to check: in woocommerce settings, on the ‘payment methods’ tab, make sure that: 1) there is a purple check mark next to paypal indicating it is the default payment method; 2) on the ‘paypal’ payment method link/tab, make sure paypal is enabled (there’s a checkbox), 3) the paypal email listed is correct; and 4) other payment methods are disabled. hope that helps.

  3. 77webstudio

    hi there, thanks so much for watching. i have not used? the ovalis theme so unfortunately am not able to provide guidance on that one. perhaps the forum at newwpthemes can help?

  4. 77webstudio

    hi crystal, just uploaded a new vid on the artificer theme. please see the? vid: “create a responsive e-commerce website 2013 (artificer woothemes wordpress)”. hope that helps!

  5. Christsof8thful

    Thank you so much for this information. It’s very simple to understand and the first I’ve seen to go indepth? as you have.

  6. Michael Boughton

    I am having a problem with the featured slider it is not showing the entire card how do? I resize them. I did the Regenerate Thumbnails and it cleared up the pic but the size is way to big. Any help would be gratefull.

  7. DirtyModelClothing

    thank you so? much

  8. OasisMassage

    Great video! not sure if anyone else is experiencing this but after installing the theme on a local server i have done all he steps up to the point where once i get to the cart , i can see my purchases, click on checkout i get a word text saying shopping cart, I have filed out my payment gateway , just paypal to keep it simple , and shipping i done as well, but my check out doesnt show, could it be becouse im on a local? server?

  9. cbseschoolsinbangalo

    Good job? was quite helpful, I am working in ovalis theme. can you please help

  10. cbseschoolsinbangalo

    hi gud job…by the way do you have any idea regarding ovalis can i work with? that theme..please help..

  11. Asyraf Zuraimi

    I looked at this online video because I am looking for online earning ways. Than I found JxPaidMe. Bucks do not meant for myself I am earning more than 3200$ in a month By using JxPaidMe. You have to invest 1 hour in a day ? with them. JxPaidMe only superb method to earn online. I should recommend you JxPaidMe just google JxPaidMe.

  12. Asyraf Zuraimi

    I looked at this online video because I am looking for online earning ways. Than I found JxPaidMe. Bucks do not meant for myself I am earning more? than 3200$ in a month By using JxPaidMe. You have to invest 1 hour in a day with them. JxPaidMe only superb method to earn online. I should recommend you JxPaidMe just google JxPaidMe.

  13. 77webstudio

    hi svetozar! yes you can install wordpress on a local server using wamp. you can also add a coming soon plugin to your site as you work behind the scenes. i cover how to set up the themefuse coming soon plugin? in the video titled “create a beautiful wordpress website (2013) (photography hatch Theme)”, starting at the 17:47 mark. what is the get_cart_url() error you are getting? also, please make sure you are using the most recent theme version and wooframework version. hope that helps.

  14. Svetozar Pavlovic

    Hi! Great tutorial, but is it possible to install this theme on localhost (wamp server)? When I install theme and plugins, and go to “visit site” there? is an error on the page regarding function get_cart_url() etc. Do you have any solution for this problem?

  15. 77webstudio

    hi robert. which images are showing up in? different sizes? images on the homepage in the featured slider? please let me know, thanks.

  16. Robert David

    Hi very nice job,? I am using wootheque for my site. It was okay for few days but suddenly pictures are shown in different sizes. Please help

  17. 77webstudio

    hi there, thanks for the great question. i opted not to include affiliates, banners, and ads since the video is? already so long, but will add these to my list of topics for future vids. thanks!

  18. 77webstudio

    hi there, thanks for your comment. what is the error message you? are getting?

  19. Rod7andy

    Great video… I noticed you didn’t cover any affiliate products, place any banners or advertisements besides? the T-Shirts. Was there a reason why you didn’t cover it in the lesson?

  20. inqusitivegirl

    I seem to have a problem with my wootique theme…I get an? error on my checkout page…can you look into it and let me know how to fix it? the site is

  21. 77webstudio

    hi there. yes, you can change the colors. in the dashboard, click on “wootique theme options”, then click on “styling options”. here you can change the background color, background image, link color, etc. hope that helps.?

  22. TetradOpus

    How do? I change the color of the site? I want it to be black and red and by default the site is blue and white. Can I change the color?

  23. 77webstudio

    so glad it helped, thanks for watching? quita! : )

  24. 77webstudio

    thanks for your comment! yes, that’s absolutely right, wootique is not a responsive theme. just checked the video transcript, relieved i? did not mention that there. if i did and missed it in the transcript, please let me know, i’ll fix it right away. thanks!

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